
We came to know Ms Ng just a few months before PSLE, and are grateful to her for conducting such effective one on one, online lessons to help my child improve and address some small gaps in her mathematics.

Being an experienced and capable teacher, Ms Ng is able to assess the strength and weakness of her students and work on the necessary area in order to help them to improve their grades. At the same time, my child also learnt very good workings and techniques that help to strengthen her Math not only for preparation of PSLE but also for upcoming secondary school.

Parent of 2021 P6 student

My son is grateful to join this 5 days problem solving bootcamp. Throughout this online learning, he learnt a lot of math problem solving methods. He is more patient and calm in doing math exercises after your teaching.

He used to give up easily whenever doing math problem solving. Now he is more confident in solving them.

We strongly recommend students to join this bootcamp.

Parent of P5 student

My daughter attended the September boot camp. Ms Ng went through different problem-solving methods clearly and patiently, and was always encouraging, even when the students made mistakes. My daughter really seems to have enjoyed the experience and she’s much more positive about maths now!

Parent of P5 student

Engaged Ms Ng for last min PSLE push.

Her 2 days bootcamp and problem solving techniques has helped him achieved 2 grade up from D to “B”.

My boy was able to complete almost all questions from Paper 2

Thank you Ms Ng for your help. Deeply appreciated

Leeor’s Mum

I will always be grateful to Ms Ng for helping my daughter’s A math results jump from E8 to A2 in the span of just a few months. My daughter was doing very badly in the months leading up to the O levels, to the point where her HOD approached me and adviced me to let her drop the subject so that she may concentrate on her other subjects. However, thankfully I was introduced to Ms Ng at that point and within a few lessons, she was able to break down the subject in such a way that my daughter was able to develop a better understanding of how to apply the various formulas and techniques and there was a visible leap of improvement in her results. I’m happy to say that having Ms Ng taught my daughter is one of the best decisions I have made.

Parent of Sec 4 student

Entering JC, I truly struggled with the Maths syllabus (didn’t help that it was never one of my favourite subjects to begin with). However, my grades went from straight Fs to straight As, thanks to Ms Ng’s tuition classes. She made her lessons fun and easy to grasp. Through her guidance and support, I even managed to represent my JC for Maths Olympiad competitions as well!

Chandini Rai
A level student

Bee San is a highly committed teacher and according to my son, her lessons are fun and engaging and she explains concepts thoroughly, often coming up with questions that are challenging, with easy to understand methods and solutions. He always looks forward to attending her classes and has improved tremendously on this learning journey. We are thankful the efforts of both teacher and student have paid off with him getting an AL1 in his PSLE math subject. I would highly recommend Bee San for any child wanting to gain confidence at tackling math problems and improve their results!

(2021 P6) Kieran’s mum

My girl benefitted greatly from Ms Ng’s clear and precise teaching. The strategies taught by Ms Ng helped my girl to grasp the mathematical concepts effectively, making her feel motivated and confident during exams.

Parent of 2021 P6 student

I signed up my P5 boy for the 5 day Bootcamp during the September term break; the bootcamp was conducted by Ms Ng. My boy enjoyed the Bootcamp session, and he is appreciative of how patient and encouraging Ms Ng is. He learnt various techniques to tackle different types of questions. For example, an alternative method to “guess and check” which usually takes a considerable amount of time. Over the 5 days, my boy had a better grasp of how he should solve the questions and learnt that there can be better ways to solve the problems. He requested me to engage Bee San as his tutor. This speaks for itself how effective and engaging Ms Ng is. Will certainly recommend Ms Ng to others!

Parent of P5 student

My son attended an elite tuition centre since P4. In P4 his math grade was above 90 but he started to slip in marks in P5, dropping to as low as 74 marks. He struggled with certain math concepts in P5 and the tuition centre did not address the fundamentals. In P6 we switched to Ms Ng as a math tutor. She patiently coached him in areas that he was weak in, addressing the fundamentals but also giving him challenging questions to work on. After 4 months with her, he scored 97 in his SA1; and A* in his PSLE.

Parent of P6 student

Honestly I was quite demoralised after repeated bad grades in my A math especially since the O levels were fast approaching. No matter how hard I tried, I was unable to grasp the subject and I was ready to give it up. However, my mom refused to let me drop it and hired Ms Ng after my auntie’s recommendation. Being taught by Ms Ng really gave me a different perspective on the subject as she was able to make it a lot easier to digest and understand. After awhile, I even started enjoying my lessons with her and now, A math is one of my favourite subjects!

O level student

I started mathematics lessons with Ms Ng as I was struggling to grasp the concepts in the O-level syllabus. Unlike other tutors I’d had who focused only on practice and rote learning with a view to pass the exams, Ms Ng worked through the topics with me and helped me to build a strong conceptual foundation.  Lessons were enjoyable as they were not restricted only to the syllabus, and more advanced or interesting related topics were introduced to demonstrate the relevance of what I was learning. With Ms Ng’s help, I was able to improve my Cs and Ds in E Math and A Math to two distinctions in the O-levels, and I went on to take C Math, F Math and the Special Paper in mathematics in the A-levels.

O Level student

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